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Back What Do We Know About How the European Recovery Funds Will Work?


What Do We Know About How the European Recovery Funds Will Work?

20 mins.
20 NOVEMBER, 2020
Leopoldo Torralba null
Ignacio de la Torre null
Macro Spain Spain AER España AER Global
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The allocation of European funds in Spain seems to have brought a great deal of confusion to the Spanish corporate sector. Therefore, we have updated the most recent and accurate available information to try to shed some light on the issue. In this report we put into context some widespread beliefs that may be exaggerated, and set out our conclusions about the chances of success of the government's intention to start investing at the earliest date possible. We then make predictions about potential implementation schedules, amounts and destination of the funds, structured by area, trying to be as specific as possible with the information available.
How do the European Recovery and Resilience Fund work?
What are the expected amounts to be assigned to Spain from the European funds?
And the estimated calendar?
How will the allocation of the funds be decided and managed?

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