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Coronavirus and COVID-19, What Have We Learnt so Far?

150 mins.
04 NOVEMBER, 2020
bicho álvaro
Ignacio de la Torre null
Leopoldo Torralba null
Coronavirus Global AER Global AER Personal
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The coronavirus crisis has triggered an unprecedented situation in world history, featuring a lockdown of one-third of the global population, the greatest economic shock since the Great Recession, the implementation of the most powerful fiscal and monetary stimuli ever, and the development of multiple vaccine candidates in record time. Moreover, it has ignited the scientific and academic community to focus their research effort on a single topic to an extent never seen before. There is an obvious information overload not only in volume, but also in complexity. This comprehensive chartbook encompasses the most relevant medical information available to date, structured to serve both as a guide to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 and as reference material, since we are convinced that economic projections must be closely linked to the evolution of the health situation.
What is the origin of the novel coronavirus?
What are the factors affecting the transmission and virulence of the virus?
What are the characteristics of the disease it causes and how it affects populations according to age and sex?
What are the treatments and existing experimental vaccines?

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