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Back Are Coronavirus Outbreaks in the US and Emerging Countries a Warning for Spain?


Are Coronavirus Outbreaks in the US and Emerging Countries a Warning for Spain?

10 mins.
01 JULY, 2020
Ignacio de la Torre de la Torre
Álvaro Cabo Cabo
Leopoldo Torralba Torralba
Coronavirus Spain Emerging Countries US AER España AER Global
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During the last few weeks, coronavirus outbreaks of varied intensity have been detected in different parts of the world, with special prevalence in the US. Apart from this, the pandemic is still gaining traction in emerging countries, mainly in Brazil, India, Mexico, Russia, Chile and Peru. In the document we are publishing today, 'Are Coronavirus Outbreaks in the US and Emerging Countries a Warning for Spain?', we analyse the situation in the US, Europe, Spain, and the worst-hit emerging countries. It is a quick guide for interpreting the outbreaks in these countries and their actual intensity, distinguishing dangerous from non-dangerous outbreaks. Finally, we conclude whether or not the trend in new flare-ups observed in other geographical areas could spill over to Spain in the near future.
How significant are these outbreaks and how can they be quantified?
What is their actual intensity? Are they dangerous?
Could the trend in new flare-ups observed in other geographical areas spill over to Spain?

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