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Cybersecurity: Is Your Company Really Protected?

40 mins
15 MARCH, 2023
Bjorn Beam
Milo Jones
Óscar de la Torre
Technological Disruption Cybersecurity Global AER Tech
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"Cybersecurity: Is Your Company Really Protected?" is the first report of our new subscription service Arcano Technology Research (ATR). Led by Bjorn Beam and Milo Jones, ATR is aimed at CEOs, managing teams, and boards to provide them with cutting-edge research into significant technology trends that impact your business (ChatGPT, Blockchain, Data Strategy, Web 3.0). The ultimate goal is to maximise technology-related decision-making by bridging the technology gap and streamlining communication with you and your CTOs and CIOs. This first report helps companies actually understand their cybersecurity level. The stark reality is that half of the European companies do not survive a cyberattack. This report delves into all these issues, describing the types of threats businesses face and the measures that must be taken to avoid them. Regardless of industry, size, or country of operation, companies worldwide risk being hacked. Whether it is ransomware, phishing, or a Denial of Service (DoS) attack, the undeniable fact is that no one is immune to the threat. Frequently testing your company's software, conducting penetration tests on your server, scanning for vulnerabilities, and assessing your technology business risk are essential for a company's survival in the digital age. It is not a question of whether your company will fall victim to a cybersecurity breach but rather a question of how prepared you were for it and how fast you can detect it. At the end of the report, you will find a checklist of 33 essential questions that should be answered if you want to protect your company from cyberattacks. Subscribe to ATR to maximise your company's security and not be the next cyberattack victim.

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