
Or become Premium

Subscribe to our Premium service and gain access our regular research reports and chartbooks, exclusive conferences by Ignacio de la Torre, Chief Economist, at the client’s discretion, and periodic events organised by AER (webinar accessible also). Contact us for further information on the different types of subscriptions. Moreover, we have an array of complementary services: MACROECONOMIC CONSULTING, project economic assessment to support corporate operations, BESPOKE RESEARCH, tailored analysis of Spanish sectors and macroeconomics, and tailor-made CONFERENCES.


Our clients

In around four years’ time, Arcano Economic Research count many of the sector’s most high profile companies as clients, ranging from Ibex-35 companies, developers to SOCIMIs, to banks and insurers, to specialized, internationally-based funds.



What services do we offer?

Full Premium Package

Unlimited viewing of ALL our macroeconomic research reports and presentations for 10 users

Annual tailor-made presentation by Chief Economist Ignacio de la Torre at the client’s headquarters or via conference call. The presentation may be delivered exclusively to the client (one-on-one) or to a broader targeted audience as indicated by the client (boards, investment committees, corporate events for employees, shareholders, etc.).

Exclusive events for our Premium Clients at Arcano Partners headquarters. Conferences on global macro and topical issues delivered by our economists and experts in geopolitics, real estate and other areas. Streaming broadcast for clients outside Madrid.

Reduced Premium Package

Unlimited viewing of ALL our macroeconomic research reports and presentations for 2 users

Exclusive events for our Premium Clients at Arcano Partners headquarters. Conferences on global macro and topical issues delivered by our economists and experts in geopolitics, real estate and other areas. Streaming broadcast for clients outside Madrid.

Macroeconomic Due Diligence

Macroeconomic-oriented project assessment to support corporate transactions. Analysis of macroeconomic risks with a rigorous and independent view. We make projections on the Spanish economy over five years (focusing on the macro variables that most interest our clients) and run top-down analysis on specific sectors according to different scenarios. A service that is highly demanded by private equity funds, consulting companies and corporates to assess upside and downside risks of particular sectors.

Conference Service

The extensive conferencing experience of our economists at the service of your corporate events. Our chief economist gives nearly 100 speeches a year and is a speaker of reference in the sector. The service is particularly useful for presenting Arcano Economic Research's macroeconomic vision in an educational, clarifying and visual way in front of boards of directors, executive and investment committees, or at special events for clients, partners, employees and preferred shareholders, Investor Days, etc.