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Geopolitics in Five Minutes (2-Jul-24)

5 mins.
02 JULY, 2024
Dr. Milo Jones
Geopolitics Global AER Global
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In the eighth monthly edition of ‘Geopolitics in Five Minutes’ video podcast, Dr. Milo Jones addresses:
The logic of - but also the dangers of - Israel possibly opening a ‘Northern Front’ against Hezbollah. Such a move has implications for Red Sea supply chains, impacts Lebanon itself, but also the EU
The long-term destabilizing effect of Putin's seemingly comic trip to North Korea. The implications go well beyond signals to South Korea about Ukraine war assistance, or even North Korean assistance to Russia in that war. Instead, the Pact Russia and the DPRK have agreed could lead to a spiral of nuclear proliferation in North East Asia. It is a vital dynamic to understand.
And as always, Milo ends with a much-discussed geopolitical set of "news" that you can safely ignore.

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