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Could the Global Risk-free Rate Drag Down the Value of All Assets?

10 mins.
16 APRIL, 2024
Leopoldo Torralba
Ignacio de la Torre, Ph. D.
Macro Global Global AER Global
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The theoretically risk-free global asset that guides the valuation of all financial and real estate assets worldwide is the U.S. ten-year government bond. Its interest rate volatility has been baked in for a significant period of time, amidst a scenario of erratic inflation and a potential Trump presidency. The rate has risen substantially in the last few weeks and is now at a five-month high, at around 4.63%. Is this a sustainable level? Could this notable increase derail the valuation of all global financial and real estate assets? This briefing, published today, sets out what a sustainable level could look like in the medium term and why.
Could the significant rise in government bond yields derail the valuation of all global financial and real estate assets?
What a sustainable level could look like in the medium term and why?

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