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Back Implications of the Partial Easing of Covid Restrictions in China


Implications of the Partial Easing of Covid Restrictions in China

10 mins.
09 DECEMBER, 2022
Pedro Larrasquitu
Ignacio de la Torre
Leopoldo Torralba
Coronavirus China AER Global
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Three years have passed since the detection of the first COVID-19 case in China. However, whereas visible signs of a pandemic are virtually inexistent in the West, the Asian country is still fighting new flare ups, triggering social unrest over the last few weeks. Earlier this year, we warned that Xi would try to curb restrictions after his re-election in the October Politburo meeting but that this would in no scenario be a simple process. This is exactly what happened. In this report, we analyse the reasons behind this situation, while attempting to answer the following questions:
When will the COVID-zero policy come to an end?
What could happen if restrictions are rapidly lifted?
What could be the impact on global inflation?

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