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Back The Case for Italy


The Case for Italy

40 mins.
06 OCTOBER, 2023
Ignacio de la Torre, Ph. D.
Macro Global Italia AER Global
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Is Italy the sick man of Europe? Will Italy struggle economically or, instead, beat market predictions? This counter-consensus piece titled “The Case for Italy” investigates the main factors underpinning the country´s structural growth trajectory in the future. The presentation is complemented by a section on the opportunities that open up thanks to Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI). We dive into the disruptive impact that GenAI solutions, like ChatGPT, have on every industry and every level of each company at a department level. However, we believe those who ride the wake of this disruption by implementing these new GenAI solutions can maximise productivity and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. A well-developed data, cybersecurity, and AI strategy will help your company survive these disruptive times and thrive.

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