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Back Market Update: What Could Trigger a Resurgence of Inflation?


Market Update: What Could Trigger a Resurgence of Inflation?

45 mins.
03 APRIL, 2024
Ignacio de la Torre, Ph. D.
Leopoldo Torralba
Macro Global Global AER Global AER Personal
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This webinar and chartbook highlight the most critical trends in global economics, financial markets and real estate, geopolitics, and technology.
The economics section analyses to what extent inflation remains a risk in Western economies, when and by how much interest rates will fall, how this will affect output growth, and whether the fiscal policy will emerge as a new source of market volatility.
The markets section evaluates how sustainable the recent rally in financial markets is, as well as the real estate cycle and how far residential and commercial properties are from bottoming out.
The last sections set out the geopolitical factors to watch -such as the risks of a second Trump administration- and the practical implications of the relentless advance of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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