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Will the New Rental Law in Spain Destabilise the Sector?

15 mins.
08 OCTOBER, 2021
análisis macroeconómico
Leopoldo Torralba
Ignacio De la Torre
Real Estate Spain AER España
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A new rental law, set to be approved in 2022, would introduce a series of changes that will affect owners of rental houses, whether they are large investors or individuals. This report addresses the primary changes proposed in the new law, as well as the impact they will have on key variables in the Spanish real estate sector such as rent prices, investment, and housing starts. Uncertainty is high, and, through our analysis, we attempt to clearly elucidate the implications to help facilitate decision making.
Who will suffer most the impact of this new law?
Will it have an even effect across Spain?
Will housing become more expensive as a result?

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