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Back Impact of the Sharp Revision of Spain’s GDP Growth for the Second Quarter of 2021


Impact of the Sharp Revision of Spain’s GDP Growth for the Second Quarter of 2021

5 mins.
24 SEPTEMBER, 2021
análisis macroeconómico
Leopoldo Torralba
Ignacio De la Torre
Macro Spain Spain AER España AER Personal
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The Spanish Statistical Office (INE) has just announced a sharp downward revision of the GDP growth rate it announced before summer in its flash estimate. The reason given for such an aggressive revision is that the pandemic has distorted data gathering, but this type of significant review of data is rare. A statistical revision of this magnitude, in the case of a listed company in its earnings release, would put into question its reliability and cause research analysts to increase the risk premium applied to the discount rate.
Why has INE made such drastic changes to its GDP estimates?
What can we expect in the second semester of the year?
What will be the hypothetical impact on our GDP growth forecasts for 2021?

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