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Back How Appropriate is the Spanish Government’s 2021 Budget Proposal?


How Appropriate is the Spanish Government’s 2021 Budget Proposal?

30 mins.
29 OCTOBER, 2020
Leopoldo Torralba Torralba
Ignacio de la Torre de la Torre
Macro Spain Spain AER España AER Global
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The Government has recently approved an unprecedented State General Budget Bill Proposal (PGE 21), which will be sent to the Spanish Congress and is expected to be approved by January 2021. Given the extreme situation Spain is undergoing as a result of the coronavirus crisis, this budget is crucial for the future. Analysing it is a complex task given the many associated distortions.
What are the key aspects of the PGE 21 proposal?
What could be the actual effects of the proposed tax increases, the feasibility of the expected revenue collection, the suitability of expenses and the estimated deficit?
What is the potential impact of elections going forward?

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